Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Post

Welcome to my blog. About a month ago, I submitted an application to Leadership Rice's Summer Mentorship Experience (SME). Basically, the program provides different types of paid internships around the world, with locations in Pune, India, Berlin, New York City, Washington, D.C., and here in Houston. Because I'm interested in pursuing a career in medicine, I listed medicine-related internships as my main choice, with India as my second choice as locations (New York City was first and Houston was third).

In any case, I was given the opportunity to go to India with three other students from Rice and work at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune, India for the months of June and July. I don't know a whole lot about what it's going to involve, but this blog is set up to document my preparations and my trip there, much as I did for the (much shorter) trip to Beijing last summer. I'm not sure how often I'll get to update it before I leave, but I'm sure I'll have plenty to say while I'm there!